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How Can I Help You?

For me as a trainer, there is nothing better than seeing you hit your goals and be the version of yourself you have always desired. Over the years, I have worked on many methods, finally settling on a PROVEN system to get results and allowed me to help lots of people smash their fitness goals. 

My GUN-EX® sessions are guaranteed to get you moving and are an amazing way of getting fitter, faster and stronger. Why would you want to just plod around your neighbourhood running, then you can come and join us on The Green and get a serious, but fun, workout!


MyZone Technology

I'm a firm believer in using modern technology to get the most out of your workout. I always recommend the use of MyZone bands, which allow you to track your work rate and ensure you're training in the correct zones, to get the most out of your session!

If you're slacking, your MyZone band will show it! Likewise if you're working hard, it will let you reap the rewards. 

I have a unique discount code to pick up a MyZone belt, using the button below;

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